Japanese LMG happiness

Came across a funny pic recently, guess I would be at least as happy if I managed to get one the KTW LMGs ๐Ÿ˜€

~ by m1pencil on June 18, 2012.

2 Responses to “Japanese LMG happiness”

  1. Could never understand why the major manufacturers are so lazy in making iconic WW2 pieces. Iยดm sure there is a huge market out there and every time they do something of quality it gets sold out in months. But no, focus in on modern weapondry of diferent colors, stocks and minor variants. Why are they so blind? And when they finally decide to make a run for us WW2 they choose weird versions or like that Czech ZB light machine gun. Why not make then a Bren? or a Nambu that look so alike and are sure sellers?

    • I’m 100% with you. I understand that the market for obscure WW2 guns might be very limited. But not even the iconic guns…? Instead of fighting for a tiny little piece of the “M4 market” they should make it easy for themselves and go for the basic WW2 stuff! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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