“Tell it to the Marines” WW2 USMC Propaganda Art

Some nice USMC related propaganda artwork, mostly from recruiting posters. Here we go:

Simple, effective, cool:

A variation of the above:

Marine Corps aviation:

United States Marine Corps Women’s Reserve:

Some early ones still featuring the M1917/A1 Helmet:


This one is not  strictly WW2 but quite funny if you can read German, wrong grammar! So bad spelling is not exclusive to Japanese propaganda: 🙂

Not USMC related but nonetheless interesting. Shows how Americans where thinking about their Japanese enemies:

And last but not least a really nice Chesterfield advertisement featuring Marine Corps Raiders!

~ by m1pencil on October 10, 2010.

2 Responses to ““Tell it to the Marines” WW2 USMC Propaganda Art”

  1. Am I just seeing things or do the women all look like Lena Mae Basilone? (well at least the black haired ones)
    Also I like the bad Kanji imitations on the houses. :>

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