1st Marine Division Korean War Airsoft

Back in business! Finally… šŸ™‚ More or less generic early/mid Korean War USMC gear. Was good to be back on the “fields of glory” and had a fun day with my buddies šŸ˜€

Used the ICS Garand and an Ares Grease Gun. ICS Garand, cool as ever! The Ares Grease Gun was a blast to use, very compact and easy to handle. Range, ROF, accuracy… nothing spectacular but good enough and really fun. A welcome change from hauling around the more cumbersome oldschool guns.

Checking for PVA snipers šŸ˜‰

Decided to use the “Mosquito cover” instead of the regular reversible USMC helmet cover. You can spot them in use in WW2 and the Korean War. I think I saw some in Vietnam War photos as well but don’t know for sure anymore (not my area of expertise). Pics from Korea:

Note to self: next time don’t forget the M3 wire stock at home šŸ˜³

And after a stressful workday in the trenches… back to sleep šŸ™‚

~ by m1pencil on October 28, 2018.

26 Responses to “1st Marine Division Korean War Airsoft”

  1. welcome back.

  2. Welcome back man, nice photo and good Korean area!

  3. Glad to see you back at it. And you are correct they were most definitely used in Vietnam.

  4. Glad you’re back!

  5. Hey, I need your help please šŸ™šŸ»
    I don’t know if I have to buy the M1 garand by ICS or the G&G one
    Thank you

    • Hi, Externals of the G&G are better (closer to the real steel Garand).
      Performance wise they are pretty similar, the ICS may have a slight edge.
      It comes down to to personal preference, IMHO you can’t go wrong with either!

      • Thank you so much
        There aren’t many reviews about the garand by G&G so you help me a lot.
        I want to use it for a WW2 1st ID set up even if those model were used in Korean War but there aren’t many choices.
        Thanks again šŸ˜

  6. How are you liking the ATF Boondockers vs the WWII Impressions? Which is more comfortable?

    • Comfort wise I can find no real difference (not surprising as they are probably made by the same company). Both hold up very well, though I have worn the WWII Impression boots a lot more (had them about two years before the ATF ones were released). The ones in the photos are the WWII Impression boots, bought in 2014 and still going strong šŸ™‚

  7. Nice pics

  8. Any dates regarding the photos sent

  9. Nice photos and do you know the exact dates of the pics sent.

  10. The one with the boat should be Inchon 1950, the 30cal one Seoul also 1950 (maybe 51)

    • These are Korean War photos right because some individuals get mixed up with WW2 by the looks of their uniforms

  11. These are Korean War photos right because some individuals get mixed up with WW2 by the looks of their uniforms

    • Yes USMC WW2 and Korean War gear is pretty similar, but these photos are from the Korean War

      • Thanks for the info Iā€™m quite into this war because me and some of my friends had relatives who served in it though not in the marines

      • Also where did those B&W photos come from any sources or websites because I cannot the first two anywhere online execpt on this page

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